Senior Guest House

Temporary Shelter for First-Time Homeless Older Adults

Fairhill Partners provides a safe and supportive temporary shelter for older adults facing homelessness for the first time. Our program is designed to offer immediate, short-term housing to individuals aged 60 and older who are accustomed to living independently but are in urgent need of residential placement.

  • Eligibility: Residents are typically 60+ years old, with a background of independent living, and are experiencing a housing crisis.
  • Demographics: Approximately 80% of our residents are from the City of Cleveland, and nearly all are economically disadvantaged.

During their stay, participants receive comprehensive support, including:

  • Benefits Screening: Complete assistance with identifying and accessing available benefits, including support with voter registration and absentee ballot registration.
  • Case Management: Personalized guidance through relocation services, life skills support, and assistance with achieving long-term stability.
  • No-Cost Classes & Group Meetings: Access to educational programs and group support meetings to help develop essential life skills and community connections.

Fairhill Partners is dedicated to helping older adults regain their independence and transition smoothly into stable, permanent housing.

Senior Guest House

Senior Guest House Residents

“Fairhill Partners helped me regain my independence.” – Former Resident

For referrals, sponsorships, or volunteering:
William Murph– (216) 421-3116

“If ever I credited a place with helping me get back on my feet and becoming independent again, it would be the organization of Fairhill Partners.” – Former Senior Guest House participant.